About me

Hi, I'm Benjamin Božič, a Full-Stack Developer known for my reliability and drive. I take pleasure in learning, diversifying my skills, and embracing new challenges. In free time apart from my coding projects, you will often find me building mechanical keyboards, 3D printing, reading, or doing sports.

memoji of benjamin bozic

Let's start working together!

Contact Details


📞 +386 40 750 562

📍 Škofljica, Slovenia

Core motivations

Curious Explorer

I enjoy understanding how things work, from apps and cars to deciphering human behavior. My curiosity fuels my desire for knowledge and I'm always ready to learn.

Maker at Heart

From a young age, I have been passionate about building things from scratch, and this passion has transferred seamlessly into my adult life. Not only does this extend to the thrill I find in coding but also to hands-on projects like creating custom macropads and keyboards. There's an undeniable sense of satisfaction in bringing an idea to physical form.

Love to help

Whether it's spreading positivity with a simple "have a nice day" or making life easier with intuitive apps, I find fulfillment in assisting others. For me, using technology for improving lives is a goal worth pursuing.


Full Stack Developer

Ethirallan Studios

1. 9. 2021 - Current

Frontend Team Lead


1. 9. 2023 - 29. 2. 2024

Software Developer


16. 1. 2023 - 31. 8. 2023




1st Bologna cycle

VI, diplomirani bioinformatik

Featured Projects


Flowerpad 6-key macropad powered by QMK Firmware and supports VIA.


Mobile app for logging frigo containers in Port of Koper.


App for digital evaluation of hunting trophies.

Currently working as freelancer



  • Dart
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Go
  • Java


  • Flutter
  • NestJS
  • Angular
  • SvelteKit
  • NuxtJS
  • CodeIgniter
  • NodeJS


  • Git
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • Apache
  • Firebase
  • TypeORM
  • Vim
memoji of benjamin bozic coding on a macbook pro